Actuals Corporation

Better benefits,
for a better workplace.

Employee benefits for your every need.

Custom your portfolio from a multi-insurer dimension.

Corporate Insurance

  • Group Term 
  • Group Critical Illness 
  • Preferred Care 
  • Hospital and Surgical Care 
  • Group Personal Accident 
  • Group Disability Income Insurance 
  • Global Benefits 

General Insurance

  • Business Insurance 
  • Commercial Vehicle Insurance 
  • Corporate Travel Insurance 

Enjoy additional perks with your portfolio.


Only employee benefits programme in the market with cashback.

Medical Benefits

Discounted rates at selected clinics.

Travel Benefits

Discounted rates for seasonal destinations.


Top up at your choice and tailor your plans to ensure you are only paying for what your workforce needs and wants. 

A new way to manage employee benefits.

Best value portfolio, anywhere.

We match dollar-for-dollar the value of your corporate insurance portfolio and return this value to your organisation in the form of merchant vouchers. 

Empower employees
with the power of

Your organisation disseminates merchant vouchers as benefits to employees, and they get the option to choose their own rewards for the lifestyle they want. 


Insurance-related matters are administered by our subsidiary, Actuals Financials Pte. Ltd., a licensed Financial Advisory Firm authorised to conduct financial advisory activities as outlined on the Monetary Authority of Singapore website directory.